Comprehensive database for Allergens
The database comprises of data from: Comprehensive Protein Allergen Resource (COMPARE), AllergenOnline (FARRP Allergen Database), WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Database and Allergome databases. We have added 3 additional columns: Authority, Habitat and Organism Type that are not directly present in any of these four databases. We have also worked on to add data in some existing comumns with missing data. We are continuously working on to update the data in the database.
Efficient storage and data management is expected to be very useful for data analysis, evaluation and can prove its usability to biologists, bioinformaticians, scientists, students, researchers, etc. The existing databases of allergens are very informative and contain overlapping data, but address different user groups and list allergens based on varying criteria. The incessant accumulation of this data raises the requirement of a metadatabase to aid in assessing the safety of proteins that may present a potential risk of allergenic cross-reactivity