Comprehensive database for Allergens
This features allows users to display only limited data entries according to their selection of filters for different columns. Pattern matching instead of exact full text match is used, thus increasing the database usability.
This feature allows users to selct a field and a letter from the drop down menus to display only those data rows which have the particular field starting with the specific letter only.
This feature allows users to download the complete database to access it later from their own systems or use it for their own research, analysis or any other purpose. The database gets downloaded in the form of an excel file.
The data in this database is obtained from various reputed legitimate sources. We have taken reasonable care to ensure that, and to the best of our knowledge, material information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its understanding. Please note that we make no assurance that the presented data is free from errors. We do not intend on making any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this database and will not have any liability towards any other person resulting from your use of this data.The information contained herein may be subject to changes without prior notice. We do not accept any form of liability, neither legally nor financially, for loss (direct or indirect) caused by the understanding and/or use of this report or its content.